The Original Worldmapper Team
The people below are the original Worldmapper team who realised the first version of the project platform. To find out who is involved in Worldmapper today, go to Please contact us with any queries, comments or suggestions. Our preferred method of contact is by email. Emails sent to the following addresses will be received by the Worldmapper team and dealt with according to your type of question:
The Worldmapper project was started as a collaborative work between the following people:
Danny Dorling, University of Sheffield
Danny has done much work in the development of cartograms and human cartography (see his publications), and was responsible for devising this project, and the huge task of gathering all of the required data together. He leads the Social and Spatial Inequalities research group, in the Geography Department at the University of Sheffield.
Mark Newman, University of Michigan
Mark is Associate Professor of Physics and Complex Systems at the University of Michigan, and a member of the University of Michigan Center for the Study of Complex Systems. Together with his PhD student Michael Gastner, Mark developed the algorithm that is used in transforming the normal world map into this series of cartograms. Mark also wrote the computer software for making the cartograms and produced the figures themselves using the data gathered by Danny. More information on Mark's research can be found on his website.
Graham Allsopp, University of Sheffield
Graham is Chief Cartographer in Cartographic Services, a support unit of the Geography Department at the University of Sheffield. His expertise in all things relating to maps and design have been utilised in many aspects of this project, particularly in the design of the posters. Graham has a degree in Cartography from what is now Oxford Brookes University.
Anna Barford, University of Sheffield
Anna writes the informative text that accompanies each map, sources the quotes used, and produces the posters. She also helps to oversee the project. Anna has a BA in Geography from the University of Cambridge and an MA in Research Methods (Sociology) from the University of Nottingham.
Ben Wheeler, University of Sheffield
Ben is a research fellow Research Fellow in the Department of Social Medicine at the University of Bristol. He has a BSc in environmental sciences from the University of East Anglia, and a PhD from Department of Social Medicine at the University of Bristol. Ben has been invaluable in his role in this project, giving advice and checking for accuracy and quality of the information presented here.
John Pritchard, University of Sheffield
John provides technical and research support for the Social and Spatial Inequalities Research Group. He has been involved with various aspects of the project, including the development of the website. John has a degree in Psychology and Maths from the University of Sunderland, and is studying part-time for an MSC in GIS at the University of Leeds.
Benjamin Hennig, University of Sheffield
Ben became part of Worldmapper on a Leverhulme Trust funded PhD studentship. Before he joined the Social and Spatial Inequalities Research Group he studied Geography and worked as a lecturer at the University of Cologne, Germany. Ben developed the Worldmapper gridded country cartograms as part of his PhD research (completed in 2011).
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