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Our archive currently encounters some technical problems. If you are searching for an old map and don't find it on our new website, please contact us.
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Language data thanks

The data for the language maps has been gathered from many sources (see main information page for a list of main sources). I have also had help from individuals, either by email or through published academic work. Apologies if there are any omissions from this list:


Helped with

Eric Atwell, University of Leeds


Bethan Thomas, University of Sheffield


Yaron Matras, University of Manchester


Roger Blench

English in Nigeria

Jacques Lemoine

paper on Hmong

Adam Walaszek


Ben Hennig


Avi Mobed

English in Pakistan

Mathias Jenny


Brian Bugeja




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The Geographical Association Logo
Center for the Study of Complex Systems logo Society of Cartographers logo
The Leverhulme Trust Logo