The following articles have been published relating to Worldmapper. The flag indicates the country (or region of a country) that the article was published in. The list is not exhaustive; please notify us at if you know of an article that is missing from this list.
- "Klimawandel: Deutschland handelt"
- "Helicobacter pylori: a poor man’s gut pathogen?"
- "Happy National Geography Week!"
- Population atlas shows world in a new light
- Kartor som växer och krymper
- New map breaks tradition by drawing on population
- Online-Atlas zeigt Bevölkerungsverteilung
- Alternative Landkarten: Wie die Wirklichkeit die Welt verzerrt
- How the world really looks
- How the world really looks
- "Merkel’s moment: The G8’s credibility test on Africa"
- "Het deint over grenzen heen ..."
- "G8-Gipfel: Afrika, Klima, Heuschrecken"
- "A Map A Day, For Every Day of the Year: A New View of the World"
- "Die Welt aus anderen Augen"
- "Semeurs de radioactivité"
- "Las ganancias netas de España en Turismo doblan las de EE UU, segunda en el ‘ranking’ "
- "Problems Without Borders"
- "Mapamundis a la medida de la salud"
- "Merkmale von Global Cities"
- "Nuove mappe per capire il mondo"
- "The New View of the Earth "
- "Development redraws the map"
- "Völker, Länder und Migranten"
- "Kinderleicht lernen für alle"
- "La storia l'impronta dell'umanità"
- "The world as you’ve never seen it"
- "Japan's Ageing Population "
- "How the world really shapes up"
- "Can you see where we fit in the new world order?"
- "Das wahre Bild der Erde"
- "Mapping a future for the world"
- "Grippewellen, Schnapsdurst, Wassernot - der etwas andere Weltatlas"
- "Rebellische Kartographie"
- "A novel way to see the world"
- "Online-Atlas zeigt ungewohntes Bild der Welt"
- "Worldmapper: The Human Anatomy of a Small Planet"
Moraru M, Barford A, Dorling D. (2006) The long war. studentBMJ 2006;14:445
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StudentBMJ Website |
Reproduced with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group |
- "Begiratu batean, munduaz jabetu"
("Understanding the world at a glimpse")
- "Tecnologie e scuola secondaria di I grado.
Risorse per orientarsi e disorientarsi: Google Earth e Worldmapper. "
- "The World: A Different View"
Barford and Dorling (2006) A New Approach to mapping the World: Visualizing Facets of International Health. National Medical Journal of India. 19(4) |
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- "A New Map for a New World"
- "Different Ways to View the World / The scale of things"
- "Another View of the Globe"
- "Mit Karten die Welt(en) verstehen - Wie Kartographien unsere Weltbilder beeinflussen. "
(Understand the world(s) with maps - how cartographies shape our perceptions of the world)
- "The New Millennium World Atlas"
- "世界の歪みが見えてくる驚きの「風船マップ」、クーリエ・ジャポン、 2006 年 8 月 3 日号"
(Japanese Version of New Scientist article 'What's Wrong With This Picture?')
- "New research puts fruit and vegetable trade on the map."
- "Worldmapper: The world as you’ve never seen it before"
- "Aha-kartan är mer än en karta"
- "Cartogrammi Ovvero, gli infiniti modi di cartografare il mondo"
- "Worldmappers...with a difference"
- "Così il mappamondo so deforma per raccontare il mondo vero"
Il Venerdi, 2nd June 2006 |
JPG images, pages 1, 2 and 3 |
- "What's Wrong With This Picture?"
- "Ein wahres Abbild der Welt"
Flags from FOTW Flags Of The World website at |